
Free 24/7 roadside assistance

Emirates NBD credit cards give you free roadside assistance throughout the UAE 

Need help on the road?

Your free roadside assistance benefit includes recovery, towing, fuel delivery and battery boost anywhere in the UAE.

These cards give you the benefit three times a year:

This card gives you the benefit twice a year:


How to book your free 24/7 roadside assistance

Call +971 4 3876628 to book your free 24/7 roadside assistance. Save the number now.


Terms and conditions

  • Usage is capped for each calendar year
  • Towing services will be to the nearest workshop within the emirate
  • The service can used only once in 24 hours, either by the primary or supplementary cardholder
  • The International Motoring Club (IMC) will be responsible for your car while the car is in their custody
  • These terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice