Now, make all your loan and credit card payments through one simple, yet effective solution. It's time to eliminate all your hassles as you cut down on your monthly payments.

  • Enjoy preferential interest rates
  • One manageable payment plan for all your existing debts
  • One single monthly payment for your convenience

Refer to the table below as an example of how you will benefit from reduced monthly interest rates and higher savings:

Existing monthly payments* Credit Card 1 Credit Card 2 Personal Loan Auto Loan Total One Pay facility
Existing balance / limit AED 20,000 AED 25,000 AED 100,000 AED 80,000 AED 225,000 AED 225,000
Monthly payment / EMI AED 2,000 AED 2,500 AED 4,568 AED 3,582 AED 12,650 AED 5,599

You Save AED 7051 as reduction to your monthly payment


Terms and Conditions apply.

Calculate your loan under One Pay

See how One Pay Loan makes your life easys

*Please enter at least 2 of your credit facility

Credit Cards

Please provide balance of your credit cards


Personal Loan

Fulfil your financial needs with a low-interest Personal Loan!


Auto Loan

Get the car of your dreams with Emirates NBD's Auto Loans


Home Loan

Unlock the doorway to your dream home



You would be saving AED {0} per month.

You can now consolidate your declared liabilities under 'Debt consolidation through One Pay'

Consolidate your finances to make your payments easier

Debt consolidation - One Pay

Current Debt Summary

Total Payments
AED 00
Monthly Payments
AED 00
Calculate Again

Debt Consolidation under One Pay

Loan Amount under One Pay


Estimated Monthly Repayment


Interest Rate Type (Reducing Balance Per Annum)


Terms and conditions apply. Interest rates vary by tenure & are subject to bank policy.
Refinancing your loans/financing may take longer to pay off than your previous loan/financing and may result in paying more in interest/profit.

View your payment schedule

Loan Period


Estimated Repayment Reduction


Interest Rate

6.99% p.a

Finishing your application will take two minutes. You can return your loan in 7 days if you are not satisfied.


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One Pay Loan

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