Life Cover
Life cover

Financial safety for your loved ones

Life may come with some uncertainties and surprises. Protect yourself and your loved ones with Life Cover on your Credit Card.

Accidental Death

Accidental Death

Receive a payout of AED 200,000 subject to a max of AED 300,000 across all your cards

Permanent Disability due to accident

Permanent Disability due to accident

Up to AED 100,000 per primary Credit Card AED 300,000 across all your Cards

Critical Illness

Critical Illness

Outstanding Credit balance or card limit, whichever is lower subject to maximum of AED 100,000


Get well with the best care possible

Manage your hospital expenses worry-free with daily payouts in case of hospitalization exceeding a continuous period of 48 hours.

AED 100

Receive AED 100 every day

30 days

Coverage up to 30 days in a year

Our Presence in the UAE

Underwritten by Abu Dhabi National Insurance Company (ADNIC)

The Credit Shield Pro insurance program is underwritten by Abu Dhabi National Insurance Company (ADNIC), a leading multi-line regional insurance provider with long-standing expertise in providing insurance services to individuals and corporates across the Middle East and North Africa region.

Enroll now

What are people asking?

Credit Shield Pro is an enhanced insurance benefit available on your Emirates NBD Credit Card which offers protection to you and your family from the liability of paying a Sum Assured on your Credit Card in case of unforeseen eventualities.

No, Pre-existing conditions are not covered in this policy, few examples for Pre-Existing conditions are as given below:

  • If you are currently unable to work.
  • During the past 5 years, if have you been unable to work for more than 30 consecutive days.
  • If you have ever been treated for or are you under treatment for: high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, respiratory disease, renal disease, alimentary disorder, ulcer, nervous breakdown, slipped disc, paralysis, coma, diabetes, high cholesterol, immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), tumor, cancer or any other serious illness or infirmity.

For more detailed eligibility conditions and exclusions, please refer to section 4 and 5 under the detailed Credit Shield Pro - Terms and Conditions document.

The policy is valid for all, UAE Nationals and Expatriates however ILOE is applicable to only Expatriates.

In case of job loss (Involuntary Loss of Employment) the benefits shall be paid only if the date of the event falls after 180 days from enrollment date of the offer. Please also note that:

  • You need to be a full-time permanent employee with an employment contract of not less than 2 years and have completed minimum of 6 months with the same employer in order to claim under this benefit,
  • Claims can be submitted within 30 days of the event, where date of event for ILOE claim is the date of notification of termination in writing,
  • In case of change in employer /occupation by the Insured Cardholder, the Waiting Period will start from the start date of the new employment/occupation.
  • Premium is not paid when due.
  • Insured Cardholder reaches the max age limit specified in the schedule of this Policy
  • Termination of Credit Card Facility.
  • Payment of Death / PTD / Critical Illness Benefit.
  • Cancellation of the Benefits under this Policy by the Policyholder or the Insured Cardholder at any time in accordance with the Policy terms & conditions.
  • Cancellation of the Insured Cardholder's Credit Card Facility.
  • The Insured Cardholder becomes a Defaulted Cardholder.
  • The Expiry Date of the Policy.
  • The date this Policy is terminated/cancelled; either by non-payment of premium to the Company or any other reasons and the Policy is subsequently not renewed with the Company.
  • The Insured Cardholder is no longer able to satisfy the eligibility conditions set out in Section 4: Eligibility of this Policy.
Credit Shield Pro is an enhanced insurance benefit available on your Emirates NBD Credit Card which offers protection to you and your family from the liability of paying a Sum Assured on your Credit Card in case of unforeseen eventualities.

No, Pre-existing conditions are not covered in this policy, few examples for Pre-Existing conditions are as given below:

  • If you are currently unable to work.
  • During the past 5 years, if have you been unable to work for more than 30 consecutive days.
  • If you have ever been treated for or are you under treatment for: high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, respiratory disease, renal disease, alimentary disorder, ulcer, nervous breakdown, slipped disc, paralysis, coma, diabetes, high cholesterol, immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), tumor, cancer or any other serious illness or infirmity.

For more detailed eligibility conditions and exclusions, please refer to section 4 and 5 under the detailed Credit Shield Pro - Terms and Conditions document.

The policy is valid for all, UAE Nationals and Expatriates however ILOE is applicable to only Expatriates.

In case of job loss (Involuntary Loss of Employment) the benefits shall be paid only if the date of the event falls after 180 days from enrollment date of the offer. Please also note that:

  • You need to be a full-time permanent employee with an employment contract of not less than 2 years and have completed minimum of 6 months with the same employer in order to claim under this benefit,
  • Claims can be submitted within 30 days of the event, where date of event for ILOE claim is the date of notification of termination in writing,
  • In case of change in employer /occupation by the Insured Cardholder, the Waiting Period will start from the start date of the new employment/occupation.
  • Premium is not paid when due.
  • Insured Cardholder reaches the max age limit specified in the schedule of this Policy
  • Termination of Credit Card Facility.
  • Payment of Death / PTD / Critical Illness Benefit.
  • Cancellation of the Benefits under this Policy by the Policyholder or the Insured Cardholder at any time in accordance with the Policy terms & conditions.
  • Cancellation of the Insured Cardholder's Credit Card Facility.
  • The Insured Cardholder becomes a Defaulted Cardholder.
  • The Expiry Date of the Policy.
  • The date this Policy is terminated/cancelled; either by non-payment of premium to the Company or any other reasons and the Policy is subsequently not renewed with the Company.
  • The Insured Cardholder is no longer able to satisfy the eligibility conditions set out in Section 4: Eligibility of this Policy.

If you are not residing any more in the UAE and continue to remain unemployed after initial payout of 6 months, an additional lump sum benefit of remaining 10% of outstanding balance after 1st payout will be paid to you from 7th month onwards for the remaining period.

However, please note that you have to visit ADNIC before leaving the country to verify all the original documentation in person.

Upon occurrence of an event giving rise to a claim under this policy, the Insured Cardholder's legal representative(s) and/or the policyholder shall submit an immediate written notice to ADNIC but not later than 365 days from the date of event for Accidental Death/Disability Claims. The claim notification period shall be 30 days from the date of event for ILOE, Critical Illness and Hospital Cash Benefit.

For assistance in submitting a claim under this policy, please contact ADNIC


Upon receipt of claim notification, ADNIC would register the claim, allocate & advice a claim number and required documents to the card holder.

Emirates NBD shall not be responsible, nor have any liability to the Eligible Cardholder, for any fees and/or charges payable by the Eligible Cardholder due to failure or any delays in claims received from ADNIC.

For Detailed Claims Procedure please refer to section 7.4 under the Credit Shield Pro - Terms and Conditions document.

The benefits under Hospital Cash due to accident is payable to you over and above that you could claim using medical insurance.

The Premium is charged on the full Credit Card Outstanding on the date of statement generation (including all unbilled installments, & other fees & charges)

No, the cover is applicable only on Primary card holders. Supplementary cardholders or corporate card/credit cards issued in the name of company are not covered.

Yes, the coverage is valid worldwide except in respect of ILOE and Hospital Cash Benefit which are limited to the UAE.

  Notice Period to Raise Claim Waiting Period All Documents Required Key Exclusions Max Age For claim
Death due to accident Within 365 days No Waiting period Please refer to Section 7.3(A), under the Credit Shield Pro- Terms & Conditions document Please refer to Section 5 under the Credit Shield Pro- Terms & Conditions document 70
Permanent Total Disability due to accident Within 365 days No Waiting period Please refer to Section 7.3(B), under the Credit Shield Pro- Terms & Conditions document Please refer to Section 5 under the Credit Shield Pro- Terms & Conditions document 70
Job loss cover (involuntary loss of employment) Within 30 days 180 days from the commencement date Please refer to Section 7.3(D), under the Credit Shield Pro- Terms & Conditions document Please refer to Section 5 under the Credit Shield Pro- Terms & Conditions document 60
Critical Illness Within 30 days 90 days from the commencement date Please refer to Section 7.3(C), under the Credit Shield Pro- Terms & Conditions document Please refer to Section 5 under the Credit Shield Pro- Terms & Conditions document 60
Hospitalization due to Accident Within 30 days No Waiting period Please refer to Section 7.3(E), under the Credit Shield Pro- Terms & Conditions document Please refer to Section 5 under the Credit Shield Pro- Terms & Conditions document 60
Complimentary Natural Death Cover Within 365 days No Waiting period Please refer to Section 7.3(A), under the Natural Death Cover- Terms & Conditions document Please refer to Section 5 under the Natural Death Cover- Terms & Conditions document 70

You can enroll into Credit Shield Pro at the time of new card application. For all enrollments post card activation, please log in to our Mobile app/ Website or Call us on at 600 54 0000. You will be charged a nominal monthly rate of 0.99% + 5% VAT of your Emirates NBD Credit Card outstanding balance.

The Following conditions are covered under Critical Illness:

  • Stroke
  • Kidney Failure (End Stage Renal Disease)
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
  • Cancer
  • Major Organ Transplant
  • Multiple Sclerosis

Critical illness due to any pre-existing condition is excluded.

A waiting period of 90 days applies with respect to Critical Illness benefit.

  • The Cardholder must meet the eligibility criteria stipulated by the Policyholder to become a Cardholder.
  • The Cardholder shall be within the age criteria specified in the schedule of this Policy.
  • The Cardholder must reside in the UAE.
  • Self-inflicted bodily injury regardless of its date and of its cause;
  • Sickness directly or indirectly attributed to HIV and/or any related illness including AIDS.
  • Chronic alcoholism or, abuse of alcohol or, abuse or addiction to drugs.
  • Civil war, war, invasion or warlike operations, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, revolt, mutiny, riots, strike, civil common, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, acts of terrorist to such a degree and extent of the involvement or engagement of the insured in these conditions without any cause.
  • Exposure of the body voluntarily, or not, to nuclear power or radioactivity in war or warlike operations or in peace; or military service in the armed forces or security forces of any country or any authority; however if Insured Cardholder who is a member of the police service or armed forces personnel dies or becomes permanently disabled while performing in-line of duty, the no Benefit will be payable for members of the police or armed forces if the claim is due to any of the following events: civil war, war, invasion or warlike operations, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, revolt, mutiny, riots, strike, civil commotion, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, acts of terrorism, any kind of training, exercise or assignment involving the use of ammunition or explosives of any kind.
  • Commission of or attempted commission of an assault or any unlawful act, or being engaged in any illegal activity or felony.
  • Suicide while sane or insane shall be excluded during the first year of the insurance coverage.
  • Flight of the Insured Cardholder in any kind of aircraft other than a Scheduled Airline.
  • Nuclear radiation, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion and/or radioactive contamination. However, medical professionals in the field of radiology are covered.
  • Insured Cardholder engaging or taking part in any hazardous sports or activities involving a motor engine (including rallies), boxing, scuba / sky diving, parachuting or hang-gliding.
  • Pre Existing Conditions for death and disability Benefits are excluded for a period of one year from the date of entry into the scheme by Insured Cardholder.
  • Critical Illness due to Pre Existing Condition is excluded
  • In the case of Permanent Total Disability, the following will not be covered:
    a) any psychiatric, mental or nervous disorder;
    b) Normal pregnancy, childbirth, abortion or miscarriage, or any complications thereof.
  • Disability attributed by the insured to subjective complaints not detectable with laboratory measurement, microbiological, biochemical means and /or imaging; critical illness due to chronic illnesses / conditions.
  • Critical Illnesses occurring within 90 days of the date of enrolment of the Insured Cardholder into the Policy.
  • Congenital or hereditary conditions for Critical Illness.
  • In respect of Critical Illness, epidemics, defined as the widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community or region which is in excess of the number of instances normally expected in that community or region and classified as an epidemic by the World Health Organization.
  • The Company will not pay the Benefit unless the Insured Cardholder has survived for one month after a diagnosis of the Critical Illness as defined.
  • Hospitalization due to sickness
  • Hospitalization due to pre-existing illness or sickness
  • Any treatment not performed by a Physician or any treatment of a purely experimental nature
  • Any routine or prescribed medical checkup pre examination
  • Circumcision, cosmetic or aesthetic treatments of any description change of gender surgery, plastic surgery (unless such plastic surgery is necessary for the treatment of illness or accidental Bodily Injury as a direct result of the insured event and performed within 6 months of the same).
  • Dental treatment or surgery of any kind unless necessitated by Accidental Bodily Injury.
  • Removal of any material that was implanted in a former surgery before the Date of Cover Commencement.
  • Any natural peril (including but not limited to avalanche, earthquake, volcanic eruptions or any kind of natural hazard).
  • Participation in any hazardous activity or sports including but not limited to racing, scuba diving, aerial sports, bungee jumping and mountaineering or in any criminal or illegal activities.
  • Nuclear Radiation, Nuclear Fission, Nuclear Fusion and/or Radioactive Contamination.
  • Death or disability wholly or partly resulting from war, invasion, act of foreign enemy hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, riot or civil commotion. War zone and non-exhaustive list of countries (Iraq, Afghanistan...) excluded.
  • Naval or Military operations (including duties of peace time) of the armed forces or air force and participation in operations requiring the use of arms or which are ordered by military authorities for combating terrorists, rebel and the like.
  • Passive and active war risk (including acts of terrorism).
  • No benefits shall be payable under this policy where the disability in the opinion of the UAE concerned medical authorities is directly due to or arises directly or indirectly from infection by any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
  • Self-employment.
  • For card holders residing/working within the UAE on Spouse Sponsored Visa.
  • Claim related to ILOE notified to insurer, post 30 days of termination
  • Employment on a fixed term contract for less than 2 years or part-time job or temporary employment.
  • Resignation or leaving by mutual agreement or voluntary unemployment or redundancy after voluntary breaks from Retirement, including early retirement.
  • Termination known about or impending at the start of the coverage.
  • Disability, sickness or accident or any other medical reason (mental and /or physical).
  • Involuntary loss of employment which starts within 180 days of the commencement date.
  • Where the unemployment is a normal seasonal part of the employment or due to non-renewal of employment contract by the authorities.
  • There must be at least 12 months of continuous employment post settlement of the first claim for which benefits have been paid to re-qualify for a new one. In this event only, these 12 months can be achieved under a permanent contract of employment.
  • Where the primary cardholder has neither been terminated nor become redundant but his/her salary allowances are being withheld in part or full for any reason of employment contract.
  • Unemployment due to any of the following: Misconduct, Refusal to accept orders from the superiors, Convicted of crime, Dishonesty or Fraudulent Act, Termination of employment due to voluntary retirement.
  • Company Failure where a contributing cause was a natural catastrophic peril, war/war like event or nuclear radiation.
  • Where the cardholder is not a resident of the UAE at the time of onboarding to the cover.
  • Dismissal or redundancy when employer is a family member or cardholder is a shareholder or is self-employed.
  • UAE Nationals are excluded for this benefit.

For detailed exclusions list, please refer to the section 5 under the Credit Shield Pro - Terms and Conditions documents.

  • Self-inflicted bodily injury regardless of its date and of its cause.
  • Sickness directly or indirectly attributed to HIV and/or any related illness including HIV AIDS.
  • Chronic alcoholism or, abuse of alcohol or, abuse or addiction to drugs.
  • civil war, war, invasion or warlike operations, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, revolt; mutiny, riots, strike, civil common, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, acts of terrorist to such a degree and extent of the involvement or engagement of the insured in these conditions without any cause.
  • exposure of the body voluntarily, or not, to nuclear power or radioactivity in war or warlike operations or in peace; or military service in the armed forces or security forces of any country or any authority; however if a Cardholder who is a policeman or armed forces personnel dies while performing day-to day course of duty, the life Benefit under this Policy shall be payable, no Benefit will be payable for members of the police or armed forces if the claim is due to any of the following events: civil war, war, invasion or warlike operations, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, revolt, mutiny, riots, strike, civil commotion, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, acts of terrorism, any kind of training, exercise or assignment involving the use of ammunition or explosives of any kind;
  • Commission of or attempted commission of an assault or any unlawful act or being engaged in any illegal activity or felony.
  • flight of the insured in any kind of aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger in an aircraft operated on a regular schedule by an incorporated common carrier for passenger service over its established air route, or he is transported as a patient or injured or attendant or hostess with an ambulance or rescue – aircraft or helicopter;
  • Especially in the case of death, suicide while sane or insane shall be excluded during the first year of the insurance coverage.
  • Nuclear radiation, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion and/or radioactive contamination excluding, medical professionals in the field of radiology which are covered.
  • Insured Cardholder engaging or taking part in any hazardous sports or activities involving a motor engine (including rallies), boxing, scuba / sky diving, parachuting or hang-gliding.
  • Pre Existing Conditions for death Benefits are excluded for a period of one year from the date of entry into the scheme by Insured Cardholder resulting from war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or war like operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, mutiny, revolution, confiscation or nationalization by or under the order of any government or public or local authority or any act of any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organization with activities directed towards the overthrow by force of its government "de jure" or "de facto" or to the influencing of it by terrorism or violence. War zone as recognized by the United Nations or where there are warlike operations are excluded.

For detailed exclusions list, please refer to the section 5 under the Natural Death Cover - Terms and Conditions documents.

Credit Shield Pro offers complete peace of mind to cardholder by covering the following eventualities:

  • Job Loss cover (Involuntary Loss of Employment)
  • Permanent Total Disability due to accident
  • Critical Illness (Critical illness due to any pre-existing condition is excluded)
  • Hospital Cash Benefit due to accident
  • Accidental Death Benefit
Age Criterion at Entry Minimum Age Maximum Age
Death due to accident 18 Years Old 69 Years Old
Permanent Total Disability due to accident 18 Years Old 69 Years Old
Job loss cover (involuntary loss of employment) 18 Years Old 59 Years Old
Critical Illness 18 Years Old 59 Years Old
Hospitalization due to Accident 18 Years Old 59 Years Old
Complimentary Natural Death Cover 18 Years Old 69 Years Old

The maximum coverage age is 70 for Death due to accident, Permanent Total Disability due to accident and complimentary Natural death cover, and 60 for Critical Illness Cover and Involuntary Loss of Employment/Hospital Cash Benefit.

You will be required to submit an evidence of continued unemployment including but not limited to Income Tax report or Social Security register report from your country of residence (attested and authenticated at the UAE consulate in that country) along with all other claims document as listed in section 7.3(D) under the Credit Shield Pro - Terms and Conditions document on the seventh month of your unemployment.

Once your claim is approved for the settlement outside UAE, you are required to submit the bank details form . The respective bank transfer charges will be borne by you.

Credit Shield Pro payment benefits against each coverage are as follows:

Event Coverage provided on Emirates NBD Credit Card(s)
Death due to accident Receive a payout of AED 200,000 subject to a max of AED 300,000 across all your cards.
Permanent Total Disability due to accident AED 100,000 subject to a max of AED 300,000 across all your cards.
Job loss cover (involuntary loss of employment)
  • Monthly payout of 10% of your cards outstanding balances/credit Limit, whichever is lower, for up to 12 months or until re-employment, up to a maximum of AED 4000 per month, towards repayment of your credit card outstanding.
  • In addition, now you will also receive a cash payout of 10% of your outstanding balance/credit limit whichever is lower up to 12 months or until re-employment, subject to a maximum of AED 1000 per month or remaining balance (after payment towards your outstanding), towards supporting your personal expenses.
  • These payouts will be made upfront for a minimum period of 6 months, and then monthly thereafter, offering added peace of mind.
  • The maximum combined lump sum benefit amount payable to the Policyholder and the Insured Cardholder shall not exceed AED 60,000 for one claim or several claims in aggregate for any one Cardholder and under any circumstance shall not exceed 100% of the Outstanding Balance or credit limit of the Cardholder whichever is lower as on the Date of Event.
Critical Illness Outstanding Credit balance or card limit, whichever is lower subject to maximum of AED 100,000.
Hospitalization due to Accident Receive a payout of AED 100 every day for a maximum of 30 days in a year, in case of hospitalization exceeding a continuous period of 48 hours.
Natural Death Cover Additionally, receive a complimentary Natural death cover of AED 100,000 per primary card subject to a maximum of AED 300,000 per cardholder.

You can cancel your subscription to the plan at any time with no additional charges by calling us on 600 54 0000. There is no cancellation fees applicable for Credit Shield Pro.

Your immediate family members – Spouse, Children, Parents and Siblings can be nominated under the policy for the benefits be claimed in an unfortunate event.

Other than job loss cover (ILOE), and Critical Illness benefits, you can claim under all other benefits immediately upon enrolling into the policy excluding any pre-existing condition and as per the applied Credit Shield Pro terms and conditions.

Please note that only one benefit payment will be applied for same conditions for example; if Disability benefit is paid, ILOE or Accidental Death benefit will not be paid.

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